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What Our Client Say

  • Founded by local meteorologist and entrepreneur Beau Dodson, the Shadow Angel Foundation began as an outpour of community love following a deadly tornado in Southern Illinois. Money was raised, homes were patched up, but we realized donations alone couldn’t fix the broken hearts of the smallest members of our community - our children. We expanded our mission to focus on children going through any kind of hardship - from natural disasters to poverty and abuse.


  • Our founder, Beau, received a Six Who Made a Difference Award from WPSD-LOCAL 6, which was given to six residents of the four-state area who served their community in extraordinary ways. The award was presented for the work Shadow Angel did following the 2003 tornado.


  • Beau served as an American Red Cross shelter manager at the Houston Astrodome following Hurricane Katrina, extending our mission across the nation.


  • The Foundation was awarded the Mark Trail Award, a National Service Award, for our efforts to promote the NOAA Weather Radio Program.


  • We donated 30 Midland Weather Radios to a local media outlet that gave them away for severe weather preparedness season.



Non-Profit Organization

Copyright © Shadow Angel Foundation 2017. All rights reserved